Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Zohre Esmaeli

Another hot Afghans model Zohra Esmaili, is an aspiring young Afghan supermodel who grew up in Germany and is now currently pursuing a full time professional modeling career in New York, USA.

Now, as I have seen it on many pages of AfghanHa.com, a lot of the site users would leave negative comments and most of those comments stem from a cultural or islamic point of view. But let us face it. A lot of Afghans who grew up in the west, do not have the mentality of you and me. Yes its true, that because of their birth place or their ancestar’s birth place, they are considered Afghan but they embody liberal ideologies of the west, they embrace the western attitude towards life… which is totally fine. Why not.

Who can judge what is wrong or what is not. Who can judge if the Afghan way of living is better than German or vice versa. Just because one is born in an Afghan family or Islamic family does not give us the right to bash someone else because of what they believe in or where they were raised or ….

Infact, once you strip off an individual based on their ethnicity, geographic labelling, religion, material belongings etc… we all become the same. The difference would lie on the premise of whether we are morale or not, whether our actions would lead to hurting someone else or not…whether our integrity and honesty would remain unfaltered or not…

Hence if Zohre Esmaeli is pursuing a modelling career… then good for her ! Who are we to judge !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess she passed away.